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Shop on Amazon using their Smile program and we get 0.5% of every purchase! Same products, same prices, same service! 

Click the link below to access the Blue Triangle Quilt Guild Smile account. Be sure to put it in your bookmark tool so you can remember to use it when you shop.

This is an easy way for us to raise money, so help us by promoting it to your friends.


If for some reason, the above link does not work…follow these 3 EASY STEPS:

  1. Go to (If you already have an Amazon account, sign in and it will prompt you to select your charity.)

  2. Search for: Blue Triangle Quilt Guild

  3. Confirm your selection.

That’s it!  Now every time you shop on Amazon, start at and the Blue Triangle Quilt Guild will benefit (at no extra cost to you!).  Share with your friends and thank you for your support.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE:  You must make your amazon purchases using the site in order for the BTQG to receive your fundraising donation.  Purchases made using will not count.

© 2024 Blue Triangle Quilt Guild

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