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Brenda Kinner-Sandles

Blue Triangle Quilt Guild


Opportunity Quilt Tickets

Tickets will be available on the day of the quilt show at the front desk.

Our Mission

We strive to promote fellowship among quilters; to preserve African American quilting heritage and traditions; to foster an appreciation of fine design, creativity and self-expression; and keep alive the art by teaching youth, educating our members and exhibiting our quilts as a timeless art.

Join us

We meet the fourth Saturday of each month with the exception of June (our annual quilting retreat). During  the month of October, November, December, we meet on the third Saturday. During December we have our annual Quiltmas Party.

The meetings are held at:

The Yet Center at Finnigan Park Community Center

4900 Providence Houston, TX

(Located across from Wheatley High School)

(I-10 @ Waco area)

Meeting Time

9:00 a. m.  to 2: 00 p. m.

Established in 2000. The Blue Triangle Quilt Guild is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

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